Welcome to the BRAND NEW Tilly's Natural Dog Treats website!!

Hello, and welcome to the second post of Tilly’s Blog!

After months of working hard on all aspects of our site, we are so excited to finally reveal our new look website!

We have had loads of ups and downs trying to get everything perfect for our customers, and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all you orders and support so far. We welcome feedback and listen to every customer and their comments they have made. Regarding our prices & service – both good and bad! – We are really proud of our website and will be updating it regular with new blogs and products & Services.

Our site is mobile friendly, meaning you can take us with you anywhere and navigate around our site with ease to your hearts content. We also have a search bar where you can search all you dog favourite treats this saves customers time on scrolling and clicking. 

So you may have purchased from us in the past, but don’t really know much about who it is behind the emails, the phone calls and dispatching your orders. TILLY'S DOG TREATS LTD was established in late 2021 by Tilly’s Dad, Lewis, who has a passion for dogs. He wanted a westie bestie for 13 years! ever since looking after a family friend 15 year old westie Dornie. He has has a Hamster Rabbit and now a much wanted Westie Tilly. At the end of October 2021 Lewis went on a weeks break with his sister Megan her chorkie Niko & Nick their dad. Lewis had been thinking for a while about getting a westie. But somehow had always come up with some excuse as to why not. Be it work money or general confidence about training a dog. 

In the end he left his job in the ambulance service due to very poor metal health and other on going work place issues. After a week in Wale he felt a lot less stressed and calmer. But felt a bigger urge and want to get a westie. Something told me I had to just go for it and get my westie best I long for, I had years of research and wanted this dog for so long. Why wait any longer? I had the time to train her and the love to give. Some family and friend where worried about Lewis having no job and a dog to now care for and pay out for food insurance ect. Tilly and Lewis became the besties each other needed. He started to look at options to start  up his own business as Lewis did not want to to go back worked shifts where he could not bear been away from Tilly and worrying about leaving her for up to 8 to10 hours a shift. He had read a lot about raw feeding but the where some complications with storage ect. So he ended up with the idea to sell air dried dog treats on subscription plans and individually online. We have big plans for the future with the ideas to expand into raw food and feeding mats and toys. But we are a way off all that just yet for now we are focused on our product range and quality.   

 Although from the outside we may look like a large commercial business, we are in fact a small, independent family run company dedicated to providing knowledge & advice on natural dog chews and treats and pet health related issues, fantastic customer service and a range of treats and chews to meet everyone’s wants and needs. We’ve grown up surrounded by animals of varying needs and we, like most pet owners, worship our furry family members, and that is why our aim is ‘To get paw dancing and tails wagging’.

If you have not had chance to have a proper look round our new site, we have listed everything below to make it all a little more convenient for you:

  • Easy navigation and mobile friendly version.
  • A fully functional search bar
  • Updated online product catalogue – We have manually listed every single product you see on our site with them all individually edited by ourselves. This means we know a little bit about everything we have to offer and have ensured every product comes complete with a detailed description, product composition (where relevant) and high res images so you can always make an informed decision when purchasing.
  • Special offers –  will be on Instagram , Facebook and in the Orange bar at the top of our website 
  • Tilly’s Blog – This is our chance to interact with you and let you know about the products we have tried and tested, new ranges, exciting news, common pet problems and more, and we want you to get involved. Underneath every post will be a comment box where you can comment on our blogs and let us know your thoughts and personal experiences.
  • Product reviews – On every product page, you will see a review section. This is for you all to give your personal opinions on any products you have purchased from us, both good and bad, to help other pet owners make the right choice when choosing for their pet.
  • Personal delivery service to local customers in Shirley , Solihull We may also deliver to Kings Heath , Birmingham  (please see delivery terms and conditions for more information)

So, I think that covers everything. Hopefully after this, you will feel like you know us a little better and are as happy with the changes that we have made as we are. We have worked really hard on getting this right for you guys and would love to know what you think so drop us a comment below! We are just getting started so keep check in touch with us via social media or Tilly's Blog for the latest news offers and new services we offer. 

We have got some AMAZING things coming in 2021 for you, and will be updating you on Tilly’s Blog so please check back whenever you visit to see what’s new and keep updated with everything Tilly's Natural Dog Treats related!

Lots of love,

Lewis & Tilly (currently snoring away after her walk)


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